About ReinaZone
ReinaZone is a platform where you will find all the books created in the Reina’s series.
Reina is the main character that will be talking to and teaching children of similar ages. She is a smart and sensitive young girl who loves nature and enjoys sharing her knowledge with her friends.
Sheila is a former kindergarten teacher who taught children at the Institution Nouvelle Source, one of the premier schools in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. She is a wife and also a mother to a four-year-old.
As an educator and mother, Sheila is well aware of the dangers of social media on young minds today. To that end, she has created a series of books, Sheila’s Books, to engage children from a young age.
Teaching, entertaining, and instilling good values is her mission. Currently residing in the United States, Sheila plans to publish her books in 4 languages in English, Haitian Creole, French, and Spanish.
5 Reasons to Read to Your Child
1 – It helps you and your child bond
2 – It helps to increase your child’s vocabulary
3 – It helps to grow your child’s imagination
4 – It helps develop a love of reading
5 – It helps in academic growth