Let’s learn with Reina

Reina’s adventures series
Reina Explores the Zoo: Let’s Marvel at the Beautiful Creation!
Join Reina in her exciting adventure at the zoo. Stir your curiosities. Answer questions. Learn, explore and marvel at the beautiful and wonderful creations around us.
Fun zoo animal picture book featuring different types of awesome creatures: farm and sea animals, insects and birds, and much more. Interactive questions to keep the little ones interested.
About the coloring book:
Come enjoy a lot of fun activities in the coloring book that features more than 50 animals! Creatures of all types: rhino, elephant, butterfly, hedgehog…. and many more!
Paperback and eBook Available
- Reina Explores the Zoo: Let’s Marvel at the Beautiful Creation!
- (Translations are coming soon…)
- Reina explora el Zoo (Spanish): ¡Maravillémonos de la magnífica creación!
- Reina explores le zoo (French): Émerveillons-nous devant la magnifique création !
- Reina ap eksplore zou a: Ann emèveye n devan bèl kreyasyon an!
- Reina Explores the Zoo – Coloring Book: Let’s marvel at Jehovah’s creation!
- Reina explora el zoo – Libro de colorear (Spanish): ¡Maravillémonos de la creación de Jehová!
- Reina explore le zoo – Livre de coloriage (French): Admirons la création de Jéhovah !
- HAITI’s ADVENTURE / Book 4 (Coming this December 2022)
- Reina learns about Haiti: An epic journey around the country’s most beautiful cities and attraction sites
- Reina aprende sobre Haití: Un viaje épico por las ciudades y lugares de interés más bellos del país
- Reina apprend sur Haïti : Un voyage épique dans les plus belles villes et sites d’attraction du pays
- Reina ap aprann sou Ayiti (Haitian Creole): Yon vwayaj pasyonan nan vil ak sit atraksyon ki pi bèl nan peyi a
- ENGLAND’S ADVENTURE / Book 5 (Coming this January 2023)
Reina visits the Butterfly Garden: Learn about nature, insects, and butterflies in a fun way!
The mountains and valleys around town are filled with trees, flowers, and gorgeous insects of all kinds. Reina visits the town’s butterfly garden…
Reina is a smart and sensitive young girl who loves nature, but she is afraid of insects. Will she always be afraid? Will she conquer her fear?
Join Reina on this journey and discover the importance of insects especially butterflies, and her process of learning about her favorite ones! This charming children’s book is designed to make your child become a butterfly expert! Let’s start learning along with Reina and having fun
Paperback and eBook Available

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The butterfly garden book features
- A rhyming children’s book to learn nice things about the butterfly garden
- Fun learning for children: explore nature, insects, butterflies
- Filled with colorful illustrations to both entertain and educate
- For children of all backgrounds
- 4 Languages available: English, Spanish, French, and Haitian Creole
- Choose Paperback or eBook
- Reina Visits the Butterfly Garden: Learn about nature, insects, and butterflies in a fun way! Paperback: 978-1-958816-10-3 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-14-1
- Reina visita el jardín de mariposas (Spanish): ¡Aprende sobre la naturaleza, los insectos y las mariposas de una manera divertida! Paperback: 978-1-958816-13-4 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-17-2
- Reina visite le jardin des papillons (French): Découvre la nature, les insectes et les papillons de manière ludique ! Paperback: 978-1-958816-12-7 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-16-5
- Reina vizite yon jaden papiyon (Haitian Creole): Aprann sou lanati, ensèk ak papiyon yon fason amizan! Paperback: 978-1-958816-11-0 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-18-9
- Reina Visits the Butterfly Garden – Activity Book: Learn All about Butterflies in a Fun Way with this 5-In-1 Workbook! ISBN Paperback: 978-1-958816-15-8

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What I can do with my hands: A book about practical things to do with our hands, and above all, how to be compassionate and caring
What I can do with my hands is the first in a series of books for young children by Sheila.
This book introduces Reina, a young girl, who teaches us all the wonderful things we can do with our hands: play, learn, and help others. Whether we are indoors or enjoying the beauty of nature outside, there are so many things to do!
This charming children’s book is designed to be read by adults, so we can all enjoy the many activities we can do with our hands. So, raise your hands, and let’s start learning—and having fun!

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Buy the Book on ReinaZone | Buy On Amazon
- What I can do with my hands: A book about practical things to do with our hands, and above all, how to be compassionate and caring Paperback: 978-1-958816-00-4 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-07-3
- Lo que puedo hacer con mis manos (Spanish): Este es un libro sobre las miles de cosas prácticas que podemos hacer con nuestras manos, y sobre todo, para ser más comprensivos y solidarios. Paperback: 978-1-958816-03-5 / ISBN Digital online: ???
- Ce que je peux faire avec mes mains (French): Un livre sur les choses pratiques à faire avec nos mains, et surtout sur la compassion et la bonté. Paperback: 978-1-958816-02-8 /ISBN Digital online: ???
- Sa mwen kapab fè ak men m (Haitian Creole): Yon liv sou bagay pratik nou fè ak men nou, e sitou sou konpasyon ak bonte. Paperback: 978-1-958816-01-1 /Digital online: 978-1-958816-08-0
- What I can do with my hands – Coloring Book: A Book about Practical Things to Do with Our Hands, and above All, How to Be Compassionate and Caring Paperback: 978-1-958816-04-2
- Ce que je peux faire avec mes mains – Livre de coloriage: Colorons de nombreuses activités ludiques avec Reina Paperback: 978-1-958816-05-9
- Lo que puedo hacer con mis manos – Libro para colorear: Coloreemos muchas actividades divertidas con Reina Paperback: 978-1-958816-06-6

Fun learning for children
- Fun learning for children, role play, outdoor activities
- For Black
- Latino
- Hispanic Heritage
- White children
- Children of any race